Internationell konferens om Outreach Europe 17 april, London

The Outreach Europe conference is one of the outcomes of a 2 year long cooperation project that highlights good examples of outreach and social inclusion offered by museums and galleries throughout Europe.

The conference is being held in the UK which is known to have some of the most engaging and inclusive community programmes in the world. However several studies show that the sustainability of such programmes can be put in doubt.

Based on the findings of the Outreach Europe project, the conference asks the questions: What can we do to secure sustainable and reliable inclusion in the cultural sector? What does it require of museums and galleries to step out of the traditional framework and attain greater social justice and responsibility? Who can we learn from?

The aim of the conference is to facilitate the beginning of a new approach for outreach processes. The presenting speakers will highlight the subject from their professional perspectives and bring in different case studies. By the end of the day there will be a plenary session for discussions and networking opportunities.